Axolotl's Home

[axolotl image]

Axolotl hangs out late some nights on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - ChatNet, in the #MIRC4DUMMIES channel. Axolotl is also #1059802 on ICQ.

I chose this nickname thinking surely nobody else would ever think to use such an obscure name. Well, sure enough - I've run into another axolotl on IRC, and there are many axolotl's on ICQ ! What is an axolotl ? Click here to find out.

Axolotl lives in the foothills of the Rockies in Northern Colorado, on 35 acres with Mrs. Axolotl, 2 kids, 3 dogs, 3 cats, a bunch of chickens, etc. I'm the one down on all fours !

[Family picture]
(click image for full-size)

Wildwood Ranch

[Wildwood Ranch aerial image]
(click image for full-size)

Some wildlife we see on our property:

I dabble in: